How I Use Theme Words to Cultivate Mindfulness and Structure

How I Use Theme Words to Cultivate Mindfulness and Structure

This month I’ve started the practice of anchoring to a theme word. This may sound a little goofy, so let me explain.

Theme words serve as a mindfulness tool. They help us to articulate our intentions and goals clearly, in a form that promotes focus.

Choosing A Theme Word

For example, my theme word for August is Steady. As you can see in the image below, I chose four articulations of how I want this theme word to influence my thoughts and actions this month. 

With multiple moves, multiple trips and family/friend gatherings, a bunch of stuff to do for work, and the preparation of moving to another country to start grad school, I knew I needed to anchor myself in something familiar and solid. This is how the word steady arose.

From there, I looked at the areas of my life where I wanted and needed to cultivate this steadiness. My work and life goals, my personal wellbeing, the preparation and anticipation of things to come, and the important relationships in my life are the areas that I paid attention to.

What would steadiness look like in each of these areas? This determined the four bullets you see below.

How I Use My Theme Word

Now, as part of my morning practice, or whenever throughout the day when I’m feeling overwhelmed or aimless, I return to my theme word. I review it to help figure out how I want to move forward. 

Like I said, this practice may sound a bit silly to some of you. That’s okay. Mindfulness takes different forms and benefits us each differently. 

This practice has served me well to provide another form of structure in my life. It has also served well as I monitor my time orientation. My theme word keeps me present and acting intentionally in the here and now. When preparing my theme word for the upcoming month, it allows me to indulge in my future orientation and what I predict, expect, and hope for in the next month.

Create Your Own Theme Word

If this intrigues you, I encourage you to try out a theme word for September. Think about what September will look like for you. Think about what you want to happen in September. What do you want to feel in September? Pick a word that reflects this – it doesn’t have to be perfect, just something that feels aligned with your upcoming month.

Next, think about the priorities in your life right now. Think about personal, professional, and social goals. What would your theme word look like in these areas. Write out a few bullets to reflect this.

Again, none of this has to be perfect. Use it however it will serve you.

Post it on your planner, in your journal, on your fridge. Keep your theme word visible and easily accessible so it becomes second nature to turn to it.