4 Things I'm Thinking About Now That We're Halfway through 2019

4 Things I’m Thinking About Now That We’re Halfway Through 2019

For the rest of the summer I’ll be sharing a series on intentional time expenditures. From reflecting on the halfway mark of 2019 to steps I’m taking to prepare for the fall, I’ll share with you various ways I’m spending my time throughout these summer months to stay well, productive, and fulfilled.

Can you believe we’re already passed the halfway mark of 2019?

I say this every year, but it sure seems to be flying by. I certainly have some ingrained time markers that light up as we progress through the year. These are points where I find myself thinking about the time that has already occurred, where I am at each point in time, and where I’m heading for the rest of the year.

Since this time of year, right around the halfway point, serves as one such time marker for me, I figured I’d share a bit about what is coming up for me.

1. This Time a Year Ago

This time last year I had recently returned from a part-work part-play trip to Curaçao. I was briefly living in Wisconsin, completely a writing fellowship, and preparing for a trip to Ireland. 

Even if your year doesn’t reveal drastic changes, I always find this to be an interesting practice. What am I doing now that I was doing a year ago? What of these things fulfill me? What am I doing now that I wasn’t doing a year ago? What was I doing a year ago that I am no longer doing now?

This sort of comparative reflection has offered me clarity as I think about what I’m making time for year to year.

2. The Beginning of This Year

Since we follow an annual calendar that puts traditional weight on the new year, I like to think back to where I was at the beginning of the year.

I was planning to spend New Years Eve celebrating with my siblings and an old high school friend. Due to a brutal snowstorm, my friend was not able to make it that night. 

About a week and a half ago this friend and I finally coordinated a time to chat, and spent a wonderful Sunday evening connecting. It is odd to think of how much time went between our planned New Year celebration and our actual catch up, but it was such a reminder of how friendships span and sustain across time in wonderfully unique ways.

What were you doing at the beginning of 2019?

3. Where I Am Now

If you’ve ever heard me talk about time orientations, then you’ll know what I mean when I say I often struggle with my present time orientation. I get very caught up in working for the future, and need to pay special attention to just being in the moment.

When I practice these annual marker reflections, I like to take purposeful time to think about where I am now. This can be tricky because my mind may immediately try to connect the right now with past and future.

Right now I am sitting in my house in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I am observing the July heat as it takes over the city. Work is going very well for me and occupying a good bit of my time. There are many things I’m preparing for, and many things I’m reflecting on, but for now I am sipping my coffee, staying hydrated, and writing this.

What do you observe today?

4. Where I Am Going This Year

This, my friends, is the future oriented’s favorite thought process. Now that I’ve spent time reflecting on past and present, I shift my gaze to the rest of the year. I think about the changes already in motion, and what I hope to accomplish in the next months.

In the next couple months I will be moving again. I will be saying a “farewell for now,” to a community I just briefly cultivated in the last 9-10 months. I don’t mean to keep this ambiguous and will share more details of these changes soon.

Throughout the rest of the year I hope to maintain commitment to current clients. I plan to spend quality time with my family. I plan to travel. I plan to take personal and professional steps to dedicate time and energy toward deepening my coaching abilities. I plan to continue to make myself a priority and hone in on my person first time value.

I could go on and on because my future orientation and intuitive personality mean I’m always brainstorming and planning. 

What do you hope for during the rest of 2019? What plans are in action?

I hope these thoughts spark some of your own reflection. It has certainly been helpful for me to use calendar markers as moments to check in with myself and assess, reflect on, and plan for my time.