6 Signs You Could Benefit From Life Coaching

6 Signs You Could Benefit From Life Coaching

First of all….what is life coaching?

Over the last three decades the industry of coaching has seen a massive spike in the variety of coaching specialties and the number of coaches in the field. That being said, coaching is still a largely misunderstood or unknown industry, though in reality coaches are helping people in monumental ways every day.

Life coaching, the overarching term that encompasses many of the niche coaches out there, is a service to support individuals to overcome obstacles, articulate their goals and dreams, develop actions plans and strategies, and build accountability as these individuals progress toward the lives they want to lead.

In short, life coaching is an investment in one’s life to support quality, purpose, and personal awareness.

The way I see it, investing in life coaching shows a commitment to becoming a better and more intentional person for yourself, for your relationships, for your work, and for your community and world. Life coaching is a commitment of time, space, and energy to dive deeply into your values, your reality, and your goals to explore how you want to lead a more intentional and fulfilling life.

Life coaching can be a huge benefit to just about anyone, as long as they are open to the experience and willing to grow. That being said, here are six signs that you personally are at a point in your life where you could benefit from coaching.

6 Signs You Could Benefit From Life Coaching:

1. You Have A Dream For Your Life That You Aren’t Currently Living

You know you could be living life in ways that are more fulfilling. You have a vision of what your ideal life looks like, maybe even specific goals that’ll get you to that ideal life, but you are a bit stuck and don’t know how to move forward into this vision of what your life could be.

2. You Never Have Enough Time For Everything

You never have enough time in the day and typically end up exhausted, frustrated, and feeling like you just can’t keep up with everything.

3. You Struggle To Make Decisions

You have a bunch of ideas, but rarely know what to work on first. You have a difficult time when it comes to making small and large decisions in your life.

4. You Are Navigating (Or Thinking About) Change In Your Life

You have reached (or are about to reach) a point of change or transition in your life and you want to navigate this intentionally. You want to make sure you are ready to tackle this change successfully.

5. You Are BUSY!

You have a lot on your plate and you want to develop strategies to effectively tackle it all.

6. You Aren’t Holding Yourself Accountable

You currently don’t make the time to sit down, hold yourself accountable, and breakdown where you are now and where you want to go (in life, in your work, in your education, in your relationships, etc.)

Perhaps you’re raising your hand, saying, “Hey, that’s me!” as you review these signs.

If that’s the case, hey there!, you’re in a good spot. Now that you know life coaching is a productive step, you get to decide what type of investment will be best for you (long-term, single session, which coach, etc.).

Or, maybe you’re reading these signs and saying, “Nope, this doesn’t sound like me at all.”

That’s a-okay! This doesn’t mean you will never be at this point in your life, or that you couldn’t benefit from a coaching relationship with a different focus (seriously, there are so many specialized coaches in the industry – if you have a challenge or issue that you’re dealing with, there is surely a coach out there for you).

Keep in mind that even if you’re thinking now isn’t the right time, that doesn’t mean you’ll never benefit from coaching. Within the industry we compare it a lot to athletes – they can practice and improve on their own, but if they choose to invest in a personal trainer, they enhance their commitment, strength, strategy, and focus.

Investing in an effective coach allows you to invest in your own life to enhance your intentionality in decision-making, your self-awareness and emotional intelligence, and your commitment and focus to leading a life that is meaningful and impactful. Coaching empowers you to take charge of your life so you can lead the life you want to live.

If any of these signs stood out to you and you want to learn more about how coaching could be a worthwhile step, please reach out to me. I’d love to connect with you to discuss your thoughts and see if I can support you in any way.